"You can't wait until life isn't hard anymore before you decide to be happy."
These words from this AMAZING woman have resonated with me ever since I first heard them being sung by an June 8, 2021 AGT contestant called Nightbirde.
It wasn’t until she passed at only 31 that I learned her real name, Jane Kristen Marczewski.
The hairs stood up on my arms and I felt chills all over as I listened to her introduction to the hosts of the show. Her first audition was when she had been diagnosed with 4th stage cancer. Her thinness reflected how much energy she had had to use in the fight so far and yet…
Jane was unable to compete in the finals after all, because her cancer returned with a vengeance and she was too weak to do so.
She did however make an appearance to thank everyone.
"I cannot say thank you enough for the opportunity to have a moment to share my story and we are witnessing such a beautiful picture of the human spirit.
She was truly overwhelmed by the amount of support she received. It has restored my faith in humanity."
She had been a struggling artist for years and performing for this large audience was a high many never achieve in a lifetime.